Ever since I have had my anxiety and PA's I have had a high pitched ringing in my ears and pressure in my sinuses even though my nose isn't blocked. Does anyone else get this ...cuz the Doc is trying to tell me I have Meniere's Disease even though the tablets for it aren't working and I have told them I feel lightheaded not off balance - I'm feeling really low at the moment I feel like this will never stop and I don't know what to do. You can't even test for Meniere's - it's a symptomatic diagnosis and it's really scaring me - I still feel like I have no idea whats wrong with me as one Doc is saying I have anx, and another is saying I have Meniere's - I'm confused and I keep googling, (I know I shouldn't but I'm so scared I don't know what else to do.)
I feel like the hosptial knows nothing about what I feel, what if they take too long finding out and I die? I know it sounds extreme but thats how I feel - I had suicidal thoughts the other day - like feelings of 'if I'm going to die anyway then I should end it myself?'
Help me please, I feel like whatever is wrong with me I have done it to myself because I smoked weed nearly every day for 3 years - I hate these feelings and nothing helps. I'm only taking 2mg Diazepam when I get bad panics but for everyday use when I feel weird I have nothing. I feel like no one beleives me. My head feels like it's full of lead and stuff. I feel like I'm losing it. This illness, whatever it is is making me lose it. Not knowing is making me lose it.