Hi All,
It's been a little while since I've posted...and today I just need to vent...
My dizziness has been unbelievably bad over the past few weeks and as much as I try to ignore it, I can't because it's disrupting me so much.
My head feels as if it's full of cotton wool and I have a constant heavy feeling at the base of my head. My eyes are feeling so strange...tired but also dry and blurry with floaty bits coming across my vision.
I just don't see how this is anxiety...I'm going through searches on the internet, which I know I shouldn't be doing again anyway but with the hope of finding some sort of explanation. I'm not even allowing it to scare me as I just want an answer.
Even today, I tried out a 'Stressless' tablet and it relaxed me in the sense that it made me tired (which I hate feeling all the time) but it hasn't taken away my dizziness whatsoever. So if it were bad breathing habits that were causing it, it should have disappeared as I was relaxed.
I'm at the point again where I feel I must go back to the hospital and start from scratch again to figure out what is causing this. I've had all the major tests done, which I am now accepting were clear...but there must be something else. I just don't understand and to think that this is how I could feel forever doesn't even bear thinking about...I can't cope with it. I feel like crying at any given moment but I have to hold it together and find that sleeping is the only relief from this as that's the only time I can honestly say that I don't feel dizzy.
I'm so scared to go back to the hospital but maybe I should, I just don't know.
I'm sorry to go on and on but sometimes writing things down helps...
Thanks for listening... x