I'm fed up with my anxiety, tonight me and my girlfriend decided to go to bingo, however I was worried after reading something on this forum about personality disorder which made me feel depressed and I was worrying I had it, so I got to the bingo hall, and when I was about to go in I could not go in as I was depressed and felt worried I felt like I was going to go mad or something If i went in, me and my girlfriend were upset about this and had a bit of an argument, some days I am fine when I go out and others I just feel like I want to be at home.

When I get anxious I feel like I am going to die or the depersonalization kicks in and I feel like I'm not myself, it seems to be messing up my life, for the last 6 months I've had trouble with my anxiety seems to affect me every day, I looked up the internet and found that it was generalized anxiety and lasts about 6 months, thats me been feeling like this since September 2006 and still no sign of improving, I've been to therapy but not had an appointment in about 1 month but it seemed to help a bit.

Can anybody offer any advice in reducing my anxiety, I've tried the breathing exercises but I dont think they help me much, when I am anxious I don't seem to be thinking straight...I convince myself something is wrong with me and find it hard to change these thoughts as I seem to get a new symptom of anxiety every week.

I've also been worrying about all the bad thoughts I seem to get, can't seem to control them either.