Hi Jules,

The first thing that I would agree with whole heartedly is that neurological disorders do not manifest themselves in this manner either. I can realte to exactly the symptoms that you describe! and I know that for me its been a deffinate inner ear problem that triggered off the whole thing BUT i do think that anxiety about the symptom does make them worse.

I think that you should pat yourself on the back for coping with work! gee you are braver than me! I am nervous going out and about INCASE I feel more off balance and faint.

I am obviously not mediaclly qualified to say if your symptoms are purely anxiety or may be because of some degree of vestibular upset. But what I can tell you is that there is NO magic pill that will stop these sensations of movement - I wish - I would have been the first in line. Also tablets that you can talk for ear problems (i take it u mean vestibular suppresents such as stugeron, serk, stemitel etc)very rarely have any effect whatsoever on theses type of symptoms. Also they tend to be harmlful in the long run as they dampen down vestibular messages and hinder compensation.

Its intersting that you say that these sensations are not made any worse by movement or otherwise. Usually if there ear involvement you would find certain things quite unpleasant - for instance walking or similiar things.

But all the symptoms sound very much like what I and many others suffer from the feeling of movement in youre head and in your body that goes into you legs is classic of inner ear. But one thing I know is that anxiety is a clever little devil and if you are scared of these feelings and dislike them strongly and devote lots of time thinking about them then YES anxiety could very well be the cause and certainly a contributing factor.

I too get the faint feeling and am trying to decide if its the ear or anxiety thats causing it. Like you I have never actually fainted but feel like I might. For me the feeling is very intense its like my body feels very light and bouncy and my head extremely lightheaded and then it feels like i am losing consiousness - like you NO dimmimng of vision or actual loss of consiousness. Does that sound like what you experience? I think that this is the scariest of all the symptoms I suffer form.

But the most persistent feeling is the one that you describe the constant feeling of motion and also for me the worst is the sensation that my balance is off. If fore instance I stand with bare feet quite still i feel as if I am bouncing up and down quite alot or rocking - its soooo horrid. When ever I walk it always feel like there is a problem like something is off. It makes me feel that walking is a bad idea and I put off going out to much etc. Does that ring any bells.I also can tell you for a fact that this is a common symptom of inner ear problems and anxiety.

I also get a lightheaded feeling that is not as bad as the faint feeling but as you say can make u feel that faintness is on the horizon and not far away.

I know for an absolute certainty that anxiety can make you feel this way - been there and done that.

I am like you is this all anxiety or is something off in my ear still - its strange and frightening. I know!!

Apart form any thing else like you I just would like to get better - I am notfamiliar with your history and all - do you have a tendancy to anxiety any way? I certainly do.

Look forward to hearing form you. Ilia xx

PS You are not alone - so chin up.