
So recently I have been hyper aware of my lymph nodes. The facts are that they are swollen, what is not normal is my obsession with feeling them every 2 seconds in the hope they have suddenly disappeared.

It consumes my mind. I tried to get a docs appointment but could only get one over the phone. The doctor wasn't concerned as I explained about my health anxiety (I also get a prescription for more propanol). I also described 2 pea size lumps which I had already had looked at by a doctor a couple of years back.

Anyway. At the time I was aware I had a lump under my chin, but at the time I hadn't really thought of it as anything to worry about. I thought maybe it was normal and that it was a gland that everyone can feel and that my health anxiety was just spiralling because of the 2 shotty nodes in my neck above my collar bone.

Anyway its now been a couple of weeks and I have been obsessing over the lump under my chin. There is one big lump and one smaller one. Today I got my mum to feel it. She said she had a very similar lump when she was younger and went to the doc about it. She said that she was told that particular lymph node drains spots and that it is nothing to worry about. That reassured me for about 2 minutes. But since then I have spiralled as there is another node I can feel (i think tonsillar- it feels quite wide to me), deffo never used to be there and it feels large to me.

I am under a lot of stress with work and I've also read that stress can cause lymph nodes to swell so any insight on this would be great. I have also lost my appetite which is not unusual for me when I'm stressed but combined with the lymph nodes I am freaking out.

Anyway. This has been causing me a LOT of anxiety because all three are a lot bigger than the two 'shoddy' pea side nodes I can feel further down my neck.

Just wondering other peoples experience with this as I know its a common anxiety trigger.