I've already talked about this in the health anxiety place, but I wanted to quickly cover it again here..

For a long time now (over a year), I've had tiny amounts of blood in my right nostril. I mean, TINY. Like, if I blow my nose, I might notice a trace of it, or when my nose is particularily stuffed, maybe some dry blood. But, I never really worried about it until I woke up the other morning with a cold or a sinus thing or something.
I was feeling really awful and had a lot of phleghm. I worked very hard to cough it up (it was tough!) and when I did, I noticed another very small amount of blood in my phleghm. I immediately freaked out and my thoughts zoomed right to nasal cancer. I know how rare it is, but it scared me.
I know I should see a doctor, but before I do that, I just need to feel like they're not going to tell me how I'm dying. I know it probably sounds like a big deal over nothing, but..
I've had doctors look in my nose quite a few times since this happened, and no one has ever said anything.. I once mentioned the tiny amounts of blood to my doctor and he said 'allergies' and that was that. But, I'm still scared.