hi there;
ive posted on here a few times about what has been told to me to be relationship ocd.
anyway, i also have this fear that im going to cheat on my boyfriend, that i'll do it without really having any control over it or i'll do it without realising. I often have dreams that ive cheated on him and always wake up feeling really guilty. i know they;re only dreams but they do affect me.
I also have this thing where i think im attracted to other people all the time, especially people close to him like his best friend his brother etc and sometimes have images of me with his brother or his brother trying it on with me. And trust me that is not what i want to happen at all!! I love my boyfriend very very much and dont want to be with anyone but him.

another example is, last night we were out and my bf's best friend was djing and i could just see his arm through the booth glass, i suddenly though i was thinkign "ooh hes got sexy arms" or something like that and that i was attracted to him and began feelingr eally anxious and guilty. later on in the night he gave me a hug and just feeling him touch me in a plutonic way was liek "guilt central" even though nothing happened and i didnt want anything to happen and i dont evenlook at him in that way.
i get this all the time with other men/women too, as Im a hairdresser Im in close contact with people and so touching them or being close to them brings this on. I also think that I want them to find me attractive and because i think this i think i must want to cheat on my bf.
its really distressing!
can anyone relate?