
I have suffered from painful abdominal pain for over 2 weeks now, from the moment I awake to the moment I go to sleep. The pain radiate on both left and right sides below the belly button. I've tried paracetimol, hot water bottles and peppermint tea to try and sooth it but to no avail

On visiting the doctor he took a urine sample because I was going to the toilet more often - this has settled now and the tests came back clear. The doctor had a feel around and then put it down to stress but I am disconcerted by the daily pain. A further visit to the doctor yielded the same result - "Its probably stress".

I do a daily relaxation routine to help with panic attacks and generally feel good - I have no fever or change in bowel movement. I don't "feel" stressed in my head although I recognise I am very busy at the moment.

I'm 35 and about to do a stage show at the local theatre for two weeks and I'm worried the discomfort will interfere with the performance and obviously concerned it is something more serious. Anxiety has never caused such abdominal pain before- is it possible to be so painful just through anxiety.

Are there further tests I should ask my physician to do?
Many thanks