I think I'm finally starting to get somewhere with my meds and feeling a little more human again. Most of my threads have been rather negative over the last few months and I thought I'd start a positive thread about the successes I'm making.

I've been trying to find a good excuse to get outside now the weather is starting to improve. I've decided to sort out our garden.

It should give me a bit of exercise and an excuse to be outside in the sunshine doing something. Hopefully by summer I will have lots of flowers and maybe even some vegies too.

At the moment it's just a square patch of overgrown grass. I mowed it yesterday, nearly died of exaustion, and the strimmer blew up when I tried to do the edges, lol! But I feel good having done it.

Hopefully by summer, if I mow it and look after it enough, I'll have the grass like a 'putting green' and lots of relaxing plants so I can spend some time chilling out in the garden.

My plan today and tomorrow is to mark out a flower bed and start digging it over ready for some plants.

I'll try and post some pics as I go along.

Wish me luck.
