My Dr prescribed me propranolol 10mg to take as needed but also said I could take 2 up to 3 times daily. So far I mostly only take one but yesterday I yook a second one after about 3 hours. I feel reassured when I check my pulse as it stays around 64 - 72bpm now. However, the awful feelings of extreme panic don't seem to abate. My heart feeld like its beating all over the place, out of synch, which makes me feel worse. I hate it. I called the Dr yesterday morning to ask if someone could call me back as I had a couple of questions I wanted to ask. Receptionist called back to say doctor told her he was too busy to call and I'd have to try again on Monday. I've had a 34 hour holter monitor in March and an ecg about a month ago and all appeared normal, as was the blood test. So why on earth do I feel so rubbish nearly all the time? I can't even drive to work on my own anymore, my husband comes with me, drives home, then comes back later for me. Should I perhaps take 20mg propranolol in the morning? I just don't know what to do for the best.
Thanks for reading.