I've been getting pain on and off in my right side for years. The last few weeks its been daily and I'm worried I have chronic appendicitis or colon cancer as the pain sometimes hurts when I press down in that area and I can feel a long hard lump.
I can also feel this long lump slightly on the other side but it's defiantly not as prominent as the right. The ride side almost feels like a long hard feaces. But it's not because it never goes away even after a bowel movement.
The pain in my right side is always changing. Sometimes sharp, sometimes muscular, other times higher up closer to my gallbladder.

I have had internal pelvic ultrasounds done for other reasons and they never mentioned seeing any lumps in that area.
I got an ultrasound today but they only scanned the upper half. I asked him if he was going to scan the appendix area and he said its referred pain and the appendix isn't diagnosed via ultrasound.
He must have found something wrong to tell me it's referred pain.
Just so scared of these long hard lumps, and pain. I'm terrified I either have a tumor growing or my appendix will burst at any moment.