Hi there,

I feel a bit silly because I posted a couple of days ago about something else unrelated to this issue. So apologies if you have seen my name crop up before

Last December I got diagnosed with a fatty lump on my kidney, found completely by accident during an ultrasound scan so don’t know how long it’s been there and it only measured at 5mm not an issue. No one seemed worried about it etc. It’s just a matter of monitoring, if it grows it’ll get embolised. Anyways this is when my health anxiety started again because I only have one kidney and of course dr google says I’ll die etc etc.

I had a CT scan on October 5th(this year) to have a clearer picture of it and to see if it’s grown. When I had it done, the guy said if it’s something serious you will be contacted in 1-2 weeks and if all is okay it’ll be 5-6 weeks. I passed the 1-2 week mark and I called last week to see if the results were back. Nothing. I was gonna call next week because it would have been over 6 weeks but.. I stupidly logged into my patient records just out of curiosity and the results are back (doesn’t say anything about it so I’ll still have to call up) but it said that someone from the hospital called my surgery and there was no answer so they left a message.

When I read this I’ve gone into complete meltdown thinking they’ve found something really bad or it’s gotten much worse so I’m currently sat in bed feeling sick to my stomach. I’ll call first thing to arrange an appointment but I can’t get it from my mind at all. I’ve spoken to my partner and he said well if it was serious they would have contacted me within 1-2 weeks like they said.. and that I’m overanalysing the phone call thing.

Am I being completely overreacting? Because I want to calm down but I’m so panicked I’m finding it extremely difficult 😞

Emily x