Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
Which indicates the improvement was more likely from just the normal ebb and flow of these disorders than the meds.

I totally agree and that’s why I’m scared, if my body has done the majority of the work, am I going to throw my CNS into distress, by coming off the Brintillex???? That’s my huge fear and could spell the end of me pal. I ain’t got the fight left in me to go through another 4/5 years it will kill me for sure !!!!!

Apparently so: Brown TC, 1979.

I'm one of them. SSRIs make me manic. The TCAs and MAOIs don't. It comes down to how individual biology meshes with the med.

Yeah but I was once okay with peroxatine and then venlafaxine. But now they destroy me why I need to understand and some real assurance that a TCA would potentially be the way to go if I can’t cope any longer…Sorry I know that’s the million dollar question and there’s no answer to it is there PDU ????

Then grab the opportunity with both hands. At my worst I needed to be hospitalised to switch meds. It beats facing the side-effects and increased anxiety and depression on your own at home where the mind has a lot of time to ruminate!
I can’t stand the thought of going back into a physc hospital, I have had 2 experiences and hate the places, they are chaotic in the UK !!!! So this is the path of last resort for me, can you understand how that makes me feel. Albeit I know if I change that’s the safest environment to do so pal !!!!!