I'm sure many on here must have them at least every now and then.

My one last night was about being lost in a multi-storey car park just on the edge of Birmingham city centre while my dad was actually in the city centre himself and I was fending for myself running the gauntlet of vagrants and dodgy people of whom I feared were out to mug or attack me for no reason throughout said car park, plus I dreamt I needed the toilet at the same time but the car park's public toilets (Gents and Ladies) were locked due to vandalism and persistent drug dealing, but a nice bloke who was actually a worker in said car park opened the disabled/accessible toilet especially for me to use and managed to track down my dad who eventually came to my rescue.

I've experienced this exact same dream before a few months ago, but I'm not aware this particular multi-storey car park in these two dreams actually exists in Birmingham IRL, nor would such a place really be allowed to descend into such a hellhole in the first place.

This particular dream (on both occasions) really shook me up, despite being totally fictitious.

Possibly underlying anxieties about the thought of visiting major cities in general, and their often being renowned for crime and various related 'hazards', plus the fear of being caught up in something untoward happening.