I have had Health anxiety, ever since I can remember and usually after numerous tests I am fine until the next problem arises.

At present I am certain I have MND. I have recently been experiencing problems in my left wrist and hand, especially on the ulnar side. It feels week and there is pain under the pinky and ring fingers

I have had an X-ray and ultrasound done and they discovered carpal tunnel, calcifications, degenerative disease, lose bodies, a ganglion cyst and raised blood flow. (Can't think what it was officially called, but began with the letter L)

After getting my results yesterday, my Doctor said he didn't believe these were not the reasons for the difficulty I was having and I have been referred for an EMG.

So I googled EMG and discovered MND amoung other conditions that this test searches for. My health anxiety went through the roof. I am now convinced I have it.


Restricted hand movement
Ulnar wrist pain, especially on pisiform bone
Fingers not working properly
Cold hand
Stiff joints

Can anyone help to reassure me, I'm even considering not going for the EMG, not wanting to know the worst!