
I've been worrying about MS for about the past month. It started with a floater in one of my eyes and I stupidly googled and MS came up. The floater then went or at least became less noticeable but because I was so fixated on my eye and constantly rubbing it, I now have some pain mainly can feel it when I blink, feels like it coming from eyelid but there's no redness or swelling so the MS fear is just driving me mad.

Over the past few weeks I have been dropping things a lot, I am quite a clumsy person and have a very stressful life anyway but just seems like I'm constantly dropping things. Last night my thumb started twitching. Earlier when I tried to open a cupboard I missed the handle, it was dark but still quite odd. My knee gave way slightly as well earlier. I now have a tingling/pins and needles sensations in my hands and feet.

I'm just freaking out and it's all I think about. Has anyone had these symptoms and it just been anxiety? I'm a complete bag of nerves at the moment. My life is very stressful anyway and to add the constant health anxiety as well. I just can't relax. Anyone been through similar?

Thanks. Xxxx