I don't know how I feel. But I wouldn't mind some of this sedation stuff for every day use 😂 I've had so much acid reflux for years and years plus things like spasms on my chest and back where it radiates to the jaw which make me feel like it could be a heart attack. They said that can be caused by a hernia. They only got down to the far end of the oesophagus but she said there's absolutely nothing that could making it hard for me to swallow...Apart from anxiety! I haven't eaten or drank yet. I was hoping they'd give me some tea and biscuits there so I'd at least be at a hospital of something happened but within half an hour I was told they'd rang my partner to pick me up. The sedation they gave me was fentanyl and midazolam.
My partner is saying right you need to get on top of this now because he's sick of it..How the hell does he think it feels for me/us.
She mentioned booking me on for another under general anaesthetic. I did ask of she could just try again today but she said she'd tried twice and I wasn't tolerating it very well. I'm not usually a heaving type of person. I wish I'd had the throat spray now but I was worrying that if I couldnt feel my throat and needed to swallow that I'd choke. There was 4 of them in the room and they were so nice x