Hi All!

I’ve needed a squint op for over 10 years! It’s more cosmetic than anything but will be life changing in terms of confidence etc. my eyes have been wonky for around 11 years as I had a squint op when I was younger and they said I may need one as an adult! I’ve kept putting it off but now the NHS are saying that I need to get it done due to funding etc. I have it on 17th April and have been coping awfully! I’ve been sick and worrying so much having tried CBT and mindfulness but nothings worked. It’s such a quick op and I will be in and out of the hospital in one morning! I’ve had a fear of anaesthetic since I was a kid however and I find it hard to even have blood pressure taken let alone an op! This website has got me through so much and I have improved so much because of it! I just want to make this thread as something I can use to keep updates. I want to go into teaching and I know this will make a massive difference. My wife is worried and lost patience to be honest, she doesn’t think I should get it done! But I know how important it is for the sake of one morning!