I seen my doctor on Friday about dizzy spells I’d been having for a week and she did all the necessary tests, and everything seemed fine, except my blood pressure was a little up, I think it was 129/88 or something, but again I thought it might have just been white coat syndrome and the dizziness would eventually go away. Anyway, my parents both have some sort of chest infection or virus, which I inevitably got. It literally hit me Saturday like a brick. I ended up in the out of hours doctor centre, where he did all the tests, pulse, oxygen, ears, blood pressure, all was okay, he said I did have virus or something, I was half paying attention, because he was concerned about my diastolic blood pressure. My blood pressure at the out of hours doctor was 123/90, which really freaked me out and now I’m super fixated on the diastolic blood pressure.

Anyway, he gave me some antibiotics for whatever this virus is that my parents have too. Dioxcycline 100mg for a week. I’m on day 3 and already feel much better in terms of cough, sore throat etc. However, I’m still having some dizziness, my mum has said she’s had headaches, and I’ve had sharp pains but not headaches. I’m really scared the dizziness is being caused by the blood pressure?

im 36 hrs old and I do have really bad health anxiety, and it has been on and off all year horrendously. Back at the end of January, I had ecgs and thorough blood tests, all came back normal, I have a thread about the issues I was having with PVCs, which haven’t been bothering me since this virus, but haven’t had them since Saturday when they were very bad. I read online about diastolic being related to hypothyroidism, and I have that but am on medication and my bloods were all fine, because my doctor did extra blood tests after the hospital and all was normal.

im just feeling extremely anxious tonight after taking my blood pressure with my wrist monitor and it reading 123/91. I suddenly felt overwhelmingly panicky and my heart rate rocketed and felt hot and clammy. I’ve relaxed a bit now but am still feeling pretty scared. I’m extremely scared about my blood pressure and aortic aneurysms and strokes etc because of it. I mean is that extremely high? My mum said she’s had extremely high blood pressure and not to worry, but I can’t stop feeling worried, especially with time dizzy spells.

I don’t drink or smoke or have coffee or anything with lots of caffeine in it. I’ve still got a bit of a cough so maybe the virus is still lingering in my system and my body is raising my blood pressure as a fighting defence? And my anxiety too? Also - I’m on Half Bets Prograne slow release 80mg for my anxiety, so shouldn’t that help? I only took my dose 3 hours ago so not sure when it kicks in, just after my dinner. I also had a snack at half 7, so not sure if these are affecting the results and I should wait until later to get another reading?

I dunno, sorry again for bothering anyone with this, I literally have no one to talk with this about and I won’t bother my mum about it because she’s still getting over her virus and I’m taking care of her so don’t want her to know how scared I am.

is that diastolic dangerous? I’m just so scared.