Help, my anxiety is out of control! A year ago this spring, an ultrasound showed a 2cm solid mass on my right ovary. I got fast-tracked for an MRI with contrast 3 weeks later, which showed...nothing. Report said ovaries were normal. My obgyn said she had no explanation, but that "at this point, I'm not concerned at all." I was so relieved and reassured that I happily went on with my regular life.

Now a year later worries are creeping in and even though I have no symptoms, I can't help obsessing over the possibility that the MRI missed something, which has now been growing unchecked! Great-grandma, great-great-grandma and great-great-aunt all died of ovarian cancer, albeit at old ages. I'm tempted to reach out to my doctor to request an exam and/or the same time, I'm afraid to go down that road because it seems they always find something, I spiral into anxious agony, and then it all ends up being for nothing.