So, I wake up this morning, Friday and everything is fine.

Jumps in my car, feeling good (thank crunchie its Friday and all that), loads the CD player with cool tunes and head off for a 9 am meeting in Stevenage.

For those of you who have never been to Stevenage, its like Monaco in a way. In Monaco, you need to be a millionaire to live there, in Stevenage, you need to have a distant family member with an ASBO to live there (sorry to all Stevenage residents, but take my advice, get out now before the Chav virus gets you).

8:55 am I turn up for my meeting, in a school to see the Head about a WLAN proposal (techie blah blah).

The rottweiler on reception informs me that the head is expecting me, but she has had an issue with a parent and could I wait until 9:30 am.

Naturally I said "Yes, not a problem ", naturally I thought "30 minutes? you chuffin crazy? jeeeeeze".

So I take my place outside the heads office like a naughty school boy, already feeling a good start to the day is ruined. There's me, 2 kids, a kid sneezing all over the place and claiming to have tummy ache (little slacker) and well, what has to be the most annoying kid I have ever met.

So, I look at my watch, not long now, WHAT? 5 past 9? time is crawling by. Little Johnny will not shut up, "what's your name Mr?, what are you doing here?.

Shut up Johnny lad (I am thinking, I don't know about you but when anxiety attacks hit, I am not at my most patient). So I say to the wee chap, "didn't your parents ever tell you not to talk to strangers?" in the hope he would shut up. As quick as a flash, he says "well they don't come much stranger than you". Got to hand it to the little muppet, he got me there.

Not that I was bothered by this teenage dirtbag getting one up on me, but I explained if he was my son, the only thing that would stop me from putting up for auction on Ebay is that I wouldn't want the negative feedback.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, in the turn of a coin anxiety hit me only because I had to wait for 30 minutes in a little waiting room.

I felt shaky (head pressure, nervous voice etc) during the meeting but got through it, and got stuck with anxiety until I got home early afternoon.

I just don't like waiting I guess, or does anxiety cause intolerance of waiting?
