The Technique

Start at any corner and use any square shape
  1. Breathe in to a count of 4
  2. Pause for 4
  3. Breathe out to a count of 4
  4. Pause for 4

Quick release of tension
Whenever you feel anxious, panicky or uptight

  1. Let breath go (dont breathe in first)
  2. Tke in a slow gentle breathe, to the count of 7 , hold it for a second
  3. Let it go with a leisurely sigh of relief to the count of 11
  4. Drop your shoulders at the same time and relax your hands
  5. Make sure your teeth are not clenched together
  6. If you have to speak, speak more slowly and in a lower tone of voice

Emergency Relaxation
When you are getting worked up
  1. Say "stop" to yourself
  2. Breathe in deeply and breathe out slowly. As you do so, drop your shoulders and relax your hands
  3. Breathe in deeply again and as you breathe out, make sure your teeth arent tightly together
  4. Take two small Quiet breathes

Breathing control
This one is good for when you at home

  1. Find a confortable postion in a quite room, on a chair or on a bed
  2. Relax as far as possible
  3. Try to become aware of your own breathing
  4. Put your hands on your stomach
  5. Breathe in for a slow count of 3 expanding the stomach
  6. Pause
  7. Breathe out for a slow count of 3, flattern the stomach
  8. Pause
  9. Relax shoulders forward and down
Repeat this rhythm two or three times at first and gradually increasing he number of times until you can breathe this way for serveal minutes

practice this every day

got these breathing exercises from my stress awareness course
I found the square one benefical