
I've agreed to go away this weekend to the coast, my anxiety has been at low levels all week, we go this afternoon until Sunday.
Why is my concious brain not speaking to my unconcious one, I keep telling myself its only a couple of hours away, we are staying in a private caravan etc.
I have woken with the anxiety feeling in the pit of my stomach, trying to keep busy to distract myself. Doing the breathing and relaxing lessons on the forum CD,
I am now on my second course of cipralex, (1 month) which helped quite a lot first time around and I wish I hadn't let my doctor talk me into coming off them to see how I was. The anxiety came back.
I realise that this is a catch 22 situation I have to go and work through the anxiety, but I hate being anxious and avoiding situations has only made things worse.
Any tips would be welcome.