hello all,
i began having these attacks about 8 mos ago, i was convinced i was having a heart attack or stroke until the second time i wound up in the emergency room certain i was hours away from death. thats when i first heard the term panic attack. they come on with no warning, although usually when alone, and the first sign is a ringing in my ears followed by visual disturbance, being hot and flushed, pounding audible heartbeat, and numbness to face, hands, and feet. naturally, even though i know its a panic attack, i am always sure that this time its the big one - heart attack or stroke. eventually they go away, but lately ive been noticing flashing spots and minor symptoms throughout the course of the day. i was just wondering if anyone else had similar symptoms, this whole thing is scary. i was always pretty calm, and i dont have any triggers. it just comes. i would appreciate any feedback, support, or information. thanks, marc