Since I started with bronchitis a few weeks ago my anxiety has gone sky high, ive been paranoid about pneumonia etc... ive had myself in a right state and with 3 kids to take care of ive found it very difficult to get through each day.

I have had alot of pressure on me the last few weeks, im supposed to be starting uni next month to do a midwifery degree and ive been totally doubting myself because of my anxiety and because im not sure if im ready to leave my 3 young children (5yrs,3yrs and 2yrs) I am riddled with guilt over it but ive worked so hard to get my place.

The last few days I have had a fuzzy/heavy head every morning which I thought might be sinus related as I always suffer and ive just had a cough/cold but ive of course been worrying ive chronic sinusitis because I sem to be getting alot of chest/sinus problems this year and im panicking about meningitis/brain absesses which are a complication of sinusitis, rare though. Surely if I had chronic sinusitis I wouldnt' be able to breath out of my nose at all? has anyone had chronic sinusitis and reassure me over this? I had a ct scan last yr and all was clear but this year ive been having lots of sinus pains.

Today I just feel awful, really really exhausted, weak, eyes are so so heavy and giddy. I feel like i could go to sleep, I did yesterday afternoon, not like me at all. Could anxiety cause me to feel this lethargic and hazy? I am under alot of stress at the moment. I am also anxious about brain tumours/clots, my friend is in hospital at the moment with a bleed on the brain and has had a stroke so maybe thats praying on my mind but I honestly am not imagining my symptoms like people think. I feel totally exhausted and weak. I am not feeling sick and my temperature is normal but I just don't feel good at all.

I go to bed most nights around 11ish so im alseep by 11.30pm, my daughter often wakes around 3-4am and I give her a bottle which she has a quick drink of and nods back off, im usually back to sleep within 10 minutes and then the boys wake me around 5.45-6am, they watch tv in our bedroom while I snooze abit longer but obviously im not asleep really. I have always had this much sleep so I can't see thats whats causing it.

I have had bloods taken in the last 3 weeks so im not concerned at all about anything cancerous or my iron, all normal.

Argh can anyone help or relate to these feelings? I wish I could just shake this off today and wake up abit and feel fine. I have been out into town but I still feel totally drained.