I feel that no matter how hard I try, I just don't seem to get any better.

I have never got rid of all of my symptoms in the last three years or even gone a day without them. But sometimes they improve a little and then come crashing back to haunt me, then I end up here feeling like a broken record.

Today I feel at the end of my tether. I didn't sleep well, keep waking with almost night terrors, heart racing, feeling like I couldn't breathe and jumping out of bed and then feeling faint. Though I was sure I was dying, whilst half asleep.

Then I went to court, I haven't been to the Magistrates for over a year but I thought I would be ok, but on waking my legs were like lead and I was so off balance. Once in court, my head was pounding like never before. It still hurts several hours afterwards and itsn't like a usual tension type headache. The whole of my head hurts inside and out. My head keeps burning and I feel as though I'm fading out.

Also everyday, I'm getting so much air trapped in the top of my stomach and chest that I really feel like someone is sittting on my chest and as though I can' t breathe. It goes eventually but then comes back and nothing helps, not even tonic water, Meg.

I have lots of other symptoms but have no time to details them. I've gotta go as work is so busy. Why can't I get rid of this like everyone else. I'm back to thinking this can't be anxiety.


I'm just so fed up of it all. I feel dreadful all day everyday.
