Hi everyone.

Ive been doing really well but tonight I have had a HA attack and I hate it. I've had for a few months a feeling like my left ear has water in it. Not loads, just a little and sometime when I bend over or lay down, I can feel it pulsing with my heart beat. It comes and goes and hasnt been so bad for a while. But it seemed to come back and I'm freaking myself out that it might be something bad.

We had our first baby three weeks ago and although its a bit of a strain, I didnt think I was doing too bad, but what if something terrible happens to me now?? I'm so scared its going to be the big C. Could it be an infection or something to do with the inner ear possibly? I dont want to burden my wife with my worries at a time like this but I'm really, really scared,

Please help, do I sound like I'm over-reacting??