Something I was doing at work the other day (I work at an acupuncture clinic) struck me as a really good idea, so I thought I would share...

We produce a small, laminated card the same size as a credit card for our patients, with a list of inspiring things to think or do. It struck me that the same principle could be used for creating "Affirmation Cards" using the lists of positive affirmations on the website here.

It would be really easy to make - you could use your word processing program to design the card, then print it out and have it laminated. If you don't have access to a printer; write them down on a small piece of paper or card instead. Colour them in or draw silly little pictures so you smile whenever you see it. If you don't have access to a laminator (or don't want to ask your local print shop to do it for you); Blue Peter's old favourite, sticky-back-plastic would do just as well, or even several strips of clear sellotape with the card sandwiched between. Then just stick it in your purse, and hey presto: you never need to think twice about remembering what to say if you feel panicky again, because it will be right there with you

The card is just the right size to fit in your standard purse or wallet, and inconspicuous enough that no-one would think twice what you were doing if you took it out to read

Leah xx

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.