For anyone who doesnt know me I suffer from anxiety / depression and also have a problem with migraines / headaches. To say they are the bain of my life would be an underestimation.
I am currently on Efexor (Venlafaxine) for anxiety and have been referred to a very nice neurologist to discuss my headaches.
One of my problems is I have been taking over the counter painkillers just to try and make the pain go away so I can try and live some kind of normal life without constant pain. BUT he told me, and I am certain he is right, that this overuse of painkillers is making the pain worse and more frequent. He said I need to cut out over the counter painkillers straight away and go cold turkey, he did warn me I wouldnt feel very well for about 2 weeks till these pills get out of my system. He also said when I see him in December he would be able to start me on some medication which may well stop the frequency of the migraines.
I work in media, in a busy office and at the moment I feel very tired and depressed, also I am getting bad headaches too, which doesnt help. I usually find headaches trigger my depression a bit, which doesnt help. I sit in a badly lit office with no natural light (we have complained about this but no-one cares) and I spend all my time looking at a computer screen.
I keep getting violent headaches (which I need to take my medicated migraine tablets for as they become unbearable), it feels like someone is applying an electric shock to my head.
Has anyone else had to go cold turkey on painkillers? I hope this does get better. Sorry to post but I feel a bit sad at the moment and am scared of having to go sick at work.