I just had a quick look round to see how everyone is and to wish you all loads of love!

Also, just in case anyone wants to know I thought I'd update on how I am....

Over a year's worth of CBT has really helped to reduce my anxiety and panic symptoms. Unfortunately my physical health does not seem to be improving which is disappointing. I think it is interesting to note that when I first came here I was attributing nearly all my physical symptoms to anxiety and it turns out I was wrong.

I have discovered I have an underactive thyroid and started thyroxine recently (although no improvement yet) which may well account for many of my symptoms too. I have osteoarthritis which is so so painful sometimes too and I am still struggling with my tummy - I have a hiatus hernia and inflammation of the duodenum.

I still have dreadful nights filled with acute pain, mainly with my stomach, days when I can hardly walk with the joing pain and days when my whole body hurts which is probably the ME.

However, these days I just accept that I have poor health, I no longer panic and look for answers, I just try to relax as much as possible and accept the symptoms and feel grateful for the days I feel ok, which seem to come in small batches.

I also still get days when I have weird unexplained pains/symptoms... but they usually pass eventually!

I still find so much joy with Jet my dog although my knees have made walking as much as I would like difficult.

My daughter in law, Sarah, had her bone marrow transplant this time last year and is doing so so well! She and my son are off to Florida tomorrow

This is a fantastic site with some of the most amazing people and I do wish you all love, peace, luck and healing