
I not sure how many members are the ones who used to know me alot, I was a regular here some time ago but i thought it might be worth posting to hopefully inspire others not to give up hope.

Briefly..two years ago I was still a full blown agoraphobic who suffered panic attack severly, I didn't leave my home for 3 years I'd given up to be honest and at my lowest i considered suicide. Not something I'm proud of by i could see how my life was ever going to be "normal" again.

Anyway the point of this little post is to tell you what I'm doing now.. I turned 24 on the 12th of this month and the change in the last two years still makes me smile.

Firstly I'm no longer on any medication, I am a walking , talking ,almost cocky member of the "normal" world!
I'm now working full time as a carer to others with Agoraphobia in Devon you should see clients faces when I tell them I used to be just like they are now! lol
I'm at collage learning my NVQ in care and social care and i seem to be a rather vocal student nowadays not bad for the girl who wouldn't speak for such a long time.

I'm also learning to drive I have my test on the 30th Nov..and when my instructor said to me " you might get a little nervous on the day" I burst out laughing and replied" If i can bring my life back from the brink than i can do anything!"

In short It's been a long old road and took nearly everything I had but I done it, I'm "normal" whatever that means...I mean I'm off out tonight, going clubbing with friends, had you told me I would be doing that a few years ago I would have paniced at the thought!

I just wanted to hopefully help anyone who might be feeling a like their life is over, I promise you it is not, you can do this, please, please do not give up!!

I don't have the magic answers ( sorry if you PM me asking how to do it!) I guess the turning point for me was panicing so much in an Asda car park that i couldn't panic anymore is when I realised it can't hurt me,no one is looking and more to the point no-one cares if i'm panicing or not!

Oh and by the way, you never faint or throw up no matter how much you think you are going to!! lol

I really hope this helps someone.

Thanks for reading this.
