Just come on to ramble about everything again. I've had a naff week so far really. Started last sunday with those ectopic beats but i came on and ranted and raved about those so no need for me to go over old ground. But then Monday I found out that my aunt died unexpectedly. Wasn't what i'd call extremely close with her but she always had time for me and continuely had me giggling about something or other.

Tuesday started off ok and in the afternoon went to see my eldest daughter in school concert. Ok i got a bit choked up because i knew that the concert would be her last one at this school before she moves up to high school. But then in my eyes my biggest test then came. Her dad came along to watch with his girlfriend and their 3 month old baby daughter. I decided to be grown up about it all and go and see her and god did she look like my two girls. I know thats nothing to get too upset about as such but it made me feel weird seeing him standing there with his other daughter in his arms. But then he goes and stands outside the school with a smug look on his face showing her off to everyone i practically knew, so i just went home. I had a miscarriage 17 months ago and i guess it just all came back to me really, i had a cry and kept thinking my baby should of been here as well.

Wednesday, ok not that bad of a day i guess but i was meant to be going to see John (partner) up north this weekend and found out that i couldn't go because the train had been cancelled :(. So those plans were scuppered. Hopefully going next weekend but its been 5 weeks since i've seen him and i'm really missing him.

Today, oh gawd i'm surprised i've got a job lol. I guess what with one thing and another i was feeling p****d off with everything. Well i made a tiny mistake at work and boss decides to have a real go at me and i bit back BIG STYLE [Duh!]. Told him it was a s**t company to work for, fed up with being treated like a door mat etc etc well you get the picture i'm sure and then promptly burst into tears.

Hence i'm sat here still puffy eyed, typing out all my woes to you all.
Sorry to of waffled on but always feel a tad better once i've got things off my chest.