My cold feels much better today but i have a little tickle in tmy throat, I am coughing up mucus but its clear and it feels like its coming from the throat. I can breath fine etc...

When i had bronchitis last summer i started with a cold and tickly cough then bang 2 weeks later I was ill with bronchitis and its scaring me I will get it again, ive heard of people getting it with every cold after haivng bronchitis once.

My hubby tried to reassure me and said if i had a proper cough id be coughing uncontrolably (sp) and im not im just coughing now and again when my throat feels full of mucus and then i cough up clear stuff into my mouth (sorry tmi)is he right?

I feel well in myself now and my nose is less runny today, can anyone reassure me about the cough and chest infection? I just can't remember how much i was coughing when i was last ill.