I woke up this morning with a stabbing pain in and around my belly button. I get a few minutes grace but then its back.
I saw my Dr late this afternoon and she examined me and took temp etc and said she was sure it wasn't appendicitis as I did not feel sick had no temp my abdomen is nowhere near tender enough. She also testes a urine sample and no infection there.
She said if I was no better in morning to go back and she would for my benefit only take a blood test to see if my white blood cells are raised as they use that in diagnosing appendicitis, all it means is that you have infection so if you have abdo pain and raised cells they then investigate for appendicitis. If your white cells are normal then it is almost certainly not appendicitis or any other infection causing the pain.
I wondered if my tummy button itself was the problem as being overweight I have a long closed tube for belly button but with the aid of two spoon handles!!! and a torch I opened it and it didn't look inflamed but it did hurt inside when touched, normally every week or so I clean it with a cotton bud and it doens't hurt ?????
I told my GP that I would likely panic overnight about the pain and she said if the pain becomes constant, I feel sick or be sick or get a temp then go to hospital otherwise wait to see her tomorrow morning.
It is such a strange pain, never moving from same spot and coming every few minutes. I also have severe lower bck problem that is crippling me at moment so all in all totally fed up and worried!