Hi all

Just wanted to share with you a success over the weekend.

Firstly let me tell you that last christmas i went to a christmas carol concert at church and it was so busy i had to leave as i felt all panicky. once I left i was so disappointed with myself but thought - "no you sat there for 45 mins before carol concert started ( you had to get there early to get a seat) so that was a little success.

Well on sunday i went to church again. It started to fill up and i could feel myself feeling trapped and getting anxious about not being able to get out as it was so full.

Anyway i stayed and did not have a panic attack. I was anxious but only about a level 3 or 4 so not that bad.

I was so pleased i did not run and i calmed myself down. i did ask my other half to talk to me about anything but as he was put on the spot he found it difficult so really i did it myself. I was so pleased.

When the service finished I did say right lets go before it starts getting crowded at the door but I STILL DID IT.

Now i need to have more trust, faith and confidence in myself and believe i can do things.

Now its the tackling bit on my own

thanks for listening

bobsy x