Hi there,

I'm sure I'm not the only one but I have this horrible nervous feeling all the time and it's getting more and more upsetting to me.

I suffer from very specific health anxiety relating to my son and during times where I may be concerned about something I just can't keep it under control.

I have a history of symptom surfing and whenever I panic about something to do with him I still have the tendency to go onto the Internet and blindly search for symptoms which usually makes me much worse - I then get an idea into my head and go off into full blown panic.

Originally this was a very emotional thing where I was upset about what I was thinking and worried about whether he was seriously ill - but the longer it goes on the more physical it becomes - ie. I get palpitations, feel nervous, get this horrible sinking feeling and I'm getting scared I'm not too far away from having a full blown panic attack.

I have been on sertraline (off and on as I've had good spells where I thought I had a grip on my problem) 50mg but this week my doc increased it to 100mg as I was struggling and feel like I've got into a vicious circle.

The things I worried about last year for example that I may have eventually been reassured on keep re-occuring and I just feel I am going round and round and getting nowhere fast - except worse as far as my physical health and wellbeing is concerned.

I just hate feeling like this - I know it is part of being a parent to watch out for your child and make sure they are OK but surely it shouldn't mean that I am almost missing out on the fun with him because I'm constantly worried that every cough, sniffle or symptom that may appear is as a result of something sinister.

Does this sound familiar to anyone or am I going quietly mad ??!!

Take Care All