OK so ive had this stupid rash for ages now..... i now only have a few spots in the morning when i wake up and they soon fade into the day


the intial fear i had over the rash has multiplied but 10. Ive had me blood tests done and all was fine but STILL i'm paranoid that i'm 1) Gonna have n allergic reaction to something or 2) my throat is just going to close over for the sheer hell of it or 3) my tongue is gonna swell up!!

I swear it's driving me insane

This is how bad it has got....

1. even stuff i have been eating for years, i'm scared to go near incase i'm allergic.

2. scared to touch some things incase i'm allergic

3. i won't try anything new, yup you got it-incase i'm allergic

4. if i wake during the night, i search my body for any type of sopt/rash

5. i'm always rolling my tongue to make sure it's not swollen

5. constantly looking in the mirror to make sure i got a nice wide throat and it's not swelling

When will it ever end?? I honestly thought when my bloods came bk ok, that would be the end to my paranoia but it seems i'm wrong again.


Sorry for yet another rant

Love Lisa