Hi ive suffered from anxiety since i had car accident when i was 19. The family business was in heavy debt and i was working 14 hours a day 7 days per week, not good combination. Sold business 2 years ago and slowly getting finances in order, im 28 now but it left me with anxiety, panic attacks and agorophobia which started after accident. I can do some things but agorophobia can get bad at times which means work is a nightmare sometimes and friends soon get sick of you telling them lies why you cant go out and they dissapear. Now to the point of this posting (at last) I have lost girlfriends because of my fear of planes, trains, buses, shops, wide spaces, small spaces etc. Right now im at home while my current girlfriend is in canada for 3 weeks on holiday and telling me how good it is in the couple of times she has texted me. I feel realy low and travel (or rather not) is going to break us up and i am going to be on my own again soon i can feel it. She has no patience for me and has her own problems (who doesnt). I'd love a family but dont think im ever going to have stable relationship with the way i am constricted by this affliction and all relationships involve travel at some time! Has anyone else had these kind of problems and has anyone got any success stories?
p.s i do try to help myself Im on beta-blockers and going to see therapist soon