I am getting very annoyed with myself and swear it's all down to imagination now!

I get wierd pains in my head, it pops up all over the place seems like a local pain bit of a sharpish pain bit of a pain in the ASS pain if you ask me. This is the route to my "I am dying of a brain annurisim any minute now" anx.

It is getting me down I am so worried and sad in one. I can't discribe the pains, it's not a jolt it is just a localised pain that comes quickly like someone has stuck me with a pin and then it can be there for like 5 - 10 minutes and then goes sometimes comes back but can just dissapear.

anybody have something similar can anybody relate, it is tied in with Anx...it just worries me sick I am just so sick with fear today I don't know what is up...

thanks for listening