I would just like to know, with years of panicky moments, usually on a daily basis, can this cause heart dysfunctions such as:

Enlarged hear due to aggressive pumping when in panicky situations
Cardiac Arrest (fast heart beating or slow beating causing this)
Respiratory Arrest (Stopping breathing due to being short of breath and being a shallow breather)
Skipped beats, ectopics, flutters in chest, long pauses between heartbeats causing serious issues
Arrythmias (in one breathe, heartbeat could be fast then after the next breathe could be slow (alternating pace of heartbeat)
Aneurysms? (get a violent heartbeat thump in my tummy)

Can all this negativity and bad panicky stuff cause head problems such as:

Strokes (feel weak on one side of my face quite regularly)
Fainting probs

Or can the negativity cause, over many years...

Any kind of cancer??

Sorry for being so morbid but words of reality, whether i like or dislike that reality are needed guys )

God Bless you all, i am soooo scared
