Hey everyone,

I started taking, precribed by my psychiatrist, Seroquel (Quetiapine) 2 days ago to treat depression but mostly for anxiety and panic attacks which can be very severe in their length, complexity and acuteness, and for my sleep problems. So 12.5 mg up to two times per day on need if I panic, and 50mg's at night to help me sleep. Okay, first night (two days ago), I got a little panicky, but I managed to sleep like almost 18 hours or so, but that's normal I know, especially in the beginning, to feel knocked out and "zombified". That's not what worries me... what worries me is yesterday. The first night, I had a small phase where I was like searching for my air, like a panic attack, although that's not the kind of symptoms I get when I have panic attacks, I know some people feel that way when they panic: fear of not having enough air, feeling like they're choking... well that's what I felt. But last night, it was demented. At first, I took my 2nd 25mg's of Seroquel at 2am cuz I felt the first 25mg's hadn,t kicked in since 11pm, and I'm allowed to 50mg to sleep, and at 3:20am I was on the verge of sleeping when an immense panic awoke me, well it was like 0-10 on a panic scale in the space of a split second, where I was searching for my air, feeling like I was going to run out of air, an immense fear that I would no longer have air to breathe anymore, which is really not my common panic attack symptoms, but I'm sure it was a panic attack anyway, and so I lifted myself on my elbow and everything was spinning for a few seconds, I felt like there was somethoing around my brain, and alot of health/death paranoia (which I usually only have when my panic is at its peak). It went on and off 2 or 3 times, not lasting quite that long, the peaks lasting a minute I guess, then going down to 7-8 (panic scale) and then anyways, just feeling way NOT THERE AT ALL, and I don,t want to experience that tonight. So what should I do? Take some again, or avoid it? I called my psychiatrist but his office hours are only weekly and here we're sunday so he can only call me back tomorrow and hopefully find some other thing.

All I wanna know is... is it maybe that I could feel this temporarily and should go on with the seroquel tonight, I'm still very stressed and anxious about this, shortness of breath and everything, but then again, it,s hard to say if it might not be only panic and the anticipation of taking some tonight that keeps me short of breath and paranoied today.