Hi All
I just wanted to let everyone know that things are beginning to look up for me. My last anxiety attack was three weeks ago. Three weeks!! That's amazing for the person who only a month ago was having them everyday. Then there's the fact that I've just been offered a job that I REALLY wanted. I'd pretty much made up my mind that I hadn't got it, then last Wednesday they rang me to ask when I could start. And finally, this Bank Holiday weekend just gone I went on holiday for four days ON MY OWN! I went to Cornwall (pretty much as far away from home as I can get without leaving the country!) and although I was anxious and a little scared at times, I did it and had a fantastically chilled and very pleasant time. So much so, that when it came time to come home yesterday I really didn't want to. Another good sign for the person who only 6 weeks ago couldn't bare the thought of leaving the house.
I'm not saying it's been easy and I'm definitely not saying that this is the end and all my anxiety has gone, but what I am saying is this - it can get better, it does get better and it will get better. It's taken me so long to see this, but I'm finally beginning to realise, with a lot of help and a lot more time, that this thing is beatable. I've wasted so much of my time and energy worrying about things, I just hope that now I've finally turned a corner.