Hi. New here. I know there is already a morning anxiety thread, but it's a bit old, so I thought I'd start another one.

A quick intro : had a rabies scare in India back in Feb 2006. Worried myself into the anxious person I am now over it. Was diagnosed with GAD and depression in March 2006 and have been on and off medication (none of which really worked apart from addictive Benzos) since then. Although, I would say that the Olanzapine they gave me got me my sleep back. I've been off AD's since March and am only on 5mg of Olanzapine at the moment. Tried to come off Olanzapine last year but failed. Hoping to have a success this time around. Been through a few psychiatrists and am currently seeing a NLP/Hypnotherapist/Time Line Therapy person. Very expensive, but if it works it'll be worth it.

The reason for this post is to see if any members feel major anxiety as soon as they wake up and the feel perfectly well just before going to bed. It's doing my head in and I'm struggling to cope. I've been in this pattern for over 2 years now. Any tips for coping with the anxiety in the mornings ? I find that just getting on with things is quite a good method.