Hi Lucky,

I have suffered a migraine now for 3 days which has scared the wits out of me and therefore I feel even more anxious than normal!!! Normally I just feel dizzy, nauseous, disorentitated, see flashing lights and sometimes a sore head on my right side. This time though I have had numbness down my right arm and leg which sometimes I have pins and needles and a funny taste in my mouth. I phoned NHS 24 there because I have been really worried but the nurse I spoke to was not too reassuring. She said that I do have symptoms of a migraine but if they get worse I have to contact them back. I keep thinking what if it is a stroke, epilepsy or diabetes or something. I am really getting scared. I know you said before that you experience numbness in your body so can you help me? (Sorry for being so eratic but us anxious people are prone to this trait!!!)

Any help would be good.
