For all those no more panic friends out there that are at the end of their tether with an ongoing swallowing problem I aim to post some helpful feedback on here shortly as my GP has now given me a new referral for a round of fresh investigations at my local swallowing clinic.

After more research there is another procedure (more of an assessment) called Fluroscopy some of you may have had one some not. You sit with a speech and voice therapist who specialises in swallowing problems and they watch you eat whil;st the whole thing is recorded on x-ray video.
You are asked to eat various foods that are all coated in barium (nice!) and these show up on the video so that it can be played back in detail. a bit like a barium swallow but its a bit more thorough I would say. This will show the full swallowing reflex using a range of solids and liquids and should I hope pinpoint my particular problem. I get the feeling many ENT health specialists would prefer to palm sufferers off with a feeding tube or a life of puree'd food! i think youve got to push for your investigations until a satisfactory diagnosis is made.

anyway my approach to this long standing problem is not to go in and let the medical team tell me whats what. Obviously I will listen to them but this time round I am going to be far more assertive about my wishes and what tests I want. We all pay into the NHS with our taxes so why shouldnt we get a thorough service back out of it!

in doing all my research I am staggered to learn how many people suffer from problems with their swallowing when I thought it was just me about 3 months ago!

anyway i am seeing the consultant on 23rd June which is quite soon considering we hear about long NHS waiting lists but I will update on here what tests are agreed and again when the tests have been carried out any diagnosis.

Having suffered with this socially disabling condition for over 25 years, I want to be able to offer some solid advice to other sufferers about how they can possibly be treated and get their lives back on track because its miserable suffering this largely in silence.

There are far more investigations available for these conditions than just barium swallows and endoscopies!