Hi Group:

I have been having neurological symptoms off and on for five years. They are all sensory in nature, such as fasiculations, palpitations, burning skin, pins and needles sensations and sometimes mildy fogging vision. I have had the whole neuro work up with nothing found as of yet. One doctor tells me possible MS and the other says anxiety. I would LOVE to believe anxiety, but my question is this...
When someone has anxiety disorder can the symptoms I have descirbed above last for weeks and then go away? My symptoms will falir up under stress, last about 3 weeks to 6 weeks and then fade away.
I have had a lot of stress and trauma in the last five years that have definately produced anxiety, but the fact that the synptoms last so long worries me!
The doctors agree they want me on anti depressents, but I would just like to know what is wrong with me!
