hello, i am a 25 year old male, who has been diagnosed with a-fib. i have smoked for 3 years, i drink (not a whole lot), and i also have been a social mirijuana user for a little over a year.

in april of this year, i went to the ER with my heart going nuts, making me want to pass out, not being able to breathe...and it beating out of my chest. in the ER they told me i had atrial fibrillation. i was there for 2 days, given a presicription, and sent on my way.

since then, i have tried to quit smoking, been watching my diet a little bit, to try and cut major caffeine sources, and sodium. recently, i have not had many 'flutters' as the DR's called them, but i do get occasional palpitations. this does not really bother me, as they are only lasting for a minute or 2. but now, i have had this pain in my heart, like a sharp pain, near the upper regions, and that is what has been scaring me. also, i dont have full chest tightness, but my heart feels like it just did a benchpress. you know, the tightness of a newly worked out muscle.

its been speculated with friends, that its because i have almost quit smoking, and i have cut down my drinking even more, and also my pot intake even more. honestly, the pot makes it feel better, but i have a feeling it just takes my mind off of it. hahahaha.

should i be worried about a heart attack? or a stroke even? i live a pretty stressful life, im a musician, playing 10-15 days a month, not working a whole lot, so not having much money to do much with, which causes stress. bills out the ass that im trying to take care of, and a girlfriend that had to move to another state due to a family emergency, and is not coming back. been a pretty stressful 3-4 months.

basically, what can i do to get over this tightness, and lightheadedness?

sorry for the long description, but in this case, it feels necessary.

thank you
