Hi all,

Over the past week I've been coping well with my health anxieties but today I've got myself a bit freaked out with a skin complaint. I think I've had it before but on a much smaller scale. I'll explain as best as I can.

On the 4 fingers of my right hand I have developed a rash this morning which appears to be getting worse. It's only on the nail side- not on the other side and not on my thumb at all nor the rest of my hand. On my left hand I didn't think it there but on closer inspection I can see it and it appears to be around the nails themselves.

I don't know when it started as it's not really apparent under artificial light. It's only under the sunlight that I noticed it and it looks really bad. In particular my pinky and finger next to it are the worst. Again it's worse nearer the nail.

This rash is like a cluster of tiny blisters. They are not red but just the colour of my skin. Running my finger over the areas it feels very rough as they are raised.

A few months ago I had a very similar thing on my hand and it stayed for weeks. I'm hoping this is the same thing.

Has anyone else experienced this before?

All the best
