I started having palps when i was 16. Im 99% sure i know why they came on, all anxiety. I have had about 8 ECG'S and 2 24 hours ECG'S, but only the last one came back that i had Supra Ventricular Ectopic Beats, which my gp said was fine, dont worry. The thing that worries me though is the fact that my palps always change. I either get the one big thump, or a flip flop feeling, fluttering, but more so i get the 4-5 fast hard beats lasting maybe even just 2 seconds, which makes me jump out of my skin with fright. Im so fed up with being told to cough or block your nose and blow when these happen because when i get them, they happen so fast and so quick that i dont even have time to do anything then its over. Ive read about so many people with palps being able to do this, and thats what makes me worry, because i havent read about anyone with palps like mine. I also get like an adrenalin surge when they happen and i sweat and feel light headed. I have seen a Cardiologist seven years ago who gave me a thorough examination and x-ray of my heart, and he said it was strong and healthy. I cant help but wonder if things have now changed? My life is ruined because of these, ive never even worked because im to scared of getting a palp when im out (i like to feel safe near my home). I was put on Sertraline and Fluanaxolo at 16 and my palps did stop for a whole year. Last year i was put on Propranolol and they stopped for 4 days then returned. When i finally came off them, i felt so much better, but then they got worse. My doctor has now prescribed Aterol (sorry cant remember the name) but im to scared to take them because of the side effects. Can anyone reasure me im not the only one with palps like these??