Hello everyone. Since about 2005, I've developed a phobia of choking, that comes and goes, and returns if for example accidentally cough on a bit of food, or catch something at the back of my throat. I thankfully finally know the anxiety and fear of choking results in not being able to swallow.

Main issue is that tomorrow I'm going on holiday for a week (sorry for the time limit on replies), and along with my Mum, who gets very embarrassed with this phobia, we'll be eating with other holiday makers.

My mum gets really frustrated when I end up spitting my food out (hiding it from view however), but only because I feel there's too much in my mouth to swallow, and I get very upset as I worry that I'll end up doing this around other people. I end up taking ages to eat a meal, and I don't want to be left behind whilst everyone's on the last course.

My throat's been alot better today when it comes to swallowing, but I don't want the problem to return and get worse over the holiday. So, anyone else who suffers from this fear of choking and/or has problems swallowing due to anxiety, can you offer any advice?

Perhaps on what sort of things to eat for meals, as I struggle with chewy/thick foods and I worry I won't be able to eat much;

how to calm myself down when I feel I can't swallow;

or anything else you think would help?

Thank you! - Violet
(PS. The problem with swallowing is definately due to anxiety, as my doctor said in the past, and not a swallowing disorder as far as I know.)